Hard drive recovery

Your data is lost ...

tesweb SA offers a specialized and professional service in data recovery.

Who we are

"tesweb" was born in 2001, created as a simple company by Mr. Stephane Chapuis. In 2006 the status changes and "tesweb" become "tesweb SA" and joins forces with a holding company that employs more than 120 people.

Our company is specialized in data recovery with our service SOS Data Recovery. With our know-how and our nearness, our data recovery service is the leader in Switzerland.

The company and the laboratory are all based in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, cradle land of the european microtechnic.

Completely in Switzerland
Data Recovery

Our data recovery service

tesweb SA offers a quality and proximity service with our specialized engineers. They are specially formed for data recovery.

tesweb SA is the only data recovery company to have its own clean room in Switzerland. None of our competitors can pretend the same.

More informations : www.sos-data-recovery.ch

Disque dur
Hard drive data recovery
RAID data recovery
USB Stick data recovery
Mobile phone data recovery

Discover our data recovery service

To fully discover our data recovery service, we invite you to watch our video or simply visit our website.

More informations : www.sos-data-recovery.ch

Nous contacter

tesweb SA
Rue du Puits-Godet 6a
CH - 2000 Neuchâtel

Tél: +41 (0) 840 440 840 (local rate)
Email: [email protected]

Your data is lost...
             ... we get it back